Wednesday, August 03, 2005


This is something I've been thinking about for a little while now. Are we growing up too fast? Are we too preoccupied with becoming adults? So much so that we forget to be children?

But then again, maybe that's just part of maturing. But still, does that mean we're maturing too fast? If we're already mature, when are we going to enjoy the immature irresponsibility of child hood?

My head is spinning.

One question I'd like to ask everyone. Are relationships in school actually meaningful? I don't mean friendly relationships, I mean 'girl-boy' relationships. Do we even know what real affection and love is? What IS the point of the whole exercise?

If you think there are going to be some answers after this, you're wrong. I don't have any answers to those questions.

Why are we so snowed under with work, that we don't have any time to play? Isn't that reserved for grown ups?
We prepare so much for the future, that we forget about the present. The present just becomes a backward extension of the future. We want to get into a good college, to get a good job, to earn money, to support our families and take care of their futures. At every point in our lives, we are looking at the future, without bothering about the present. That's why small things irritate us, because they obstruct our view of the future. We NEED to live in the present some times, to ensure life doesn't just go past in a mindless haze,where we move from one worry to another.

Pardon me for sounding unrealistic, but, if you look at it logically, the future is our only source of worry. Why do we dwell on it so much? Why are we so willing to think about worries? Sometimes, when I have a lot of work to do, and there's a lot of pressure on my head, I just stop whatever I'm doing and go do something completely different. Sure, I get blasted later, but, I'm not too scared of a blasting once in a while, and I DO have fun in the intermediate period. On the other hand, if I finish my work, I go to school the next day, submit it, feel happy and then go home with more work. Whoop Whoop !

I may have exaggerated here and there, but you get the picture.

I feel, we give too much weight to the future, which is absolutely uncertain whatever we try to do about it. Why can't we try and leave some things to chance, things which are decided by chance any way?


Blogger Kaushik said...

hmmm... bhot to say...

I agree with you completely. I think one of the reasons that so many people are getting so anxious about the future is because most of them probably can't deal with peace and quiet. They don't know how to be at rest. They must constantly have some worry to drive them towards some useful objective, or they will drive themselves crazy worrying about why they aren't worrying enough.

You and I and all people fit this description, only at different levels.

I don't know what else to say. This could be a population problem. Maybe the world is so crowded with humans that it is not possible for everyone to live a good life, and we spend most of our time making a place for ourselves and pushing others out of the way, that we don't get to enjoy what we've earned very often.


4:23 am  
Blogger Aditi said...

Relationships at school level are to an extent quite pointless...though there are many cases where one sees high school sweethearts getting married and all...i guess its just a matter of it being the right person. all i can say is that its important to be clear about what you're doing if you're in a relationship, and not to get carried away. Make sure that u have your prorities straight and stick to them. People make mistakes and learn from them. It's ok.

It is necessary to give some amount of consideration to the future, although people are defintately getting so preoccupied with securing a good future for themselves that they forget about enjoying the present. I suppose one must balance the two. Enjoy what you have now, make the best of it...but do what you can to make sure that you do have a comfortable life in the future. Agreed, many things are determined by chance, but we can't fool around and stop thinking about our futures completely in the faith that 'what is to happen will happen'. Thats just dumb.

5:21 am  
Blogger Shyshe said...

True...True... Both of you are absolutely right. My sentiments exactly

6:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about "the immature irresponsibility of child hood" ... I've been realising how bad it is at some schools, how much WORK some kids get - little five and six year olds sitting at desks and doing tests every week - it's so sad, and now I realise how lucky I am to have escaped that. As for when we are older, the SYSTEM calls for us to work hard, plan our futures, be completely stressed out. I agree with Kaushik that it might be a population problem. I don't think we really have to set our goals so early. We can't. How could we possibly know at this age whether our interests will stay the same, whether we want to be pursuing those same interests for the rest of our LIVES, or not? It's true that a whole lot is governed by chance - we can't really do much about it.
And about 'girl-boy' relationships in school - it is natural for people to start exploring these relationships at that age, but yeah, to a large extent, they are pretty much meaningless. Though a guy and a girl can be really good friends. A guy and a girl can often get along a lot better than two girls can, or two guys can- sometimes it helps to have these relationships.
Another reason why people plan so much for the future is probably because they don't like the present. There can be all kinds of things making a person miserable in the present - pressure, too much work, messed up families- so they plan out the future in the hope that things won't be so bad then, as a result of their planning now. For some it becomes an obsession because they have given up on their present - present extending from now until when they go to college, get a job, whenever they think things will get better. It's what keeps them going. And there are a lot of worries/problems that can originate from the present or from the past, too.

4:00 am  
Blogger Rock 'n Roll Aint Noise Pollution said...

you got something right...
we're always preoccupied with whats gonna happen we forget to have fun now..
i mean every single adult i meet asks the same stupid question..what do want to become..
i jus keep making up stuff to different people
most ppl want me to follow the footsteps of my mom n grndmom n grndad n dad into engineering..but not interested at all...
coming to the relationship part of it
it does matter to many people to a certain extent... i mean what would it be like if girls dont even talk to boys or vice versa...most of our teachers throw dirty looks at me if i talk to a girl so in that way our schools a bit fugged up but what the fugg....

Ninju...( Capt. Makudaney and the MODO gang!!)

12:14 pm  
Blogger Rock 'n Roll Aint Noise Pollution said...

plus i agree with dhruva that each persons view of a relationship is completley takes a reeeeeeeeeeeeely long time to even understand some relationships even at school levels...but seeing the pathetic state the system is at now even that gets ruined sometimes..the whole point of
"schooling" itself has changed completley...
i mean i walk into a friends house to see his 8 year old brother sitting and studying for some test
what shit..childhood is short...maturity is foreverr...


12:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way - all you aayah buggers better visit

11:47 pm  
Blogger Sthupit Girl said...


me thinks, that one has to strike a balance between what we are supposed to do and what we want to do. There is in no way that we at this age know what is right for us.. i'm not saying that what elders have to say is always correct... i'm saying we shud give it a fair thought...

Future, is an illusion, created so that one doesn't become stagnant. What we shudnt lose sight of is that, we live in the present. Give the future a fair chance, just dnt live in it.

Also, the only person who can make you lose your "childishness" is you... there's a lot of bad in this world that we have to face at one point or another in our lives.. you see you've got to replace the rosy colored glasses at one point or another. With what you replace them is in your hands. You can go into an extreme an enter "adulthood" or you can still enjoy the wonder and magic of what surrounds you and yet know there is the baD.

...if you feel,at times, that you aren't particularly enjoying what you are doing then do as shishir does... do what you want to.. get into trouble... but you'll find that when you do things when you want to do them.. there's a better chance of doing them properly and learnng in the same process.

As far as relationships go.. i agree with what Dhruva says...

By the by.. i dint knw you were this miserable either.. infact i used to envy the way u and dhruva & co still manage to do what you love most of the time..!!

7:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... yeah i guess i can't say that relationships at the school level are all meaningless - different things hold value for different people i guess. And also each relationship is unique. now that I think about it, I guess an onlooker can't really say... a relationship between two people may appear completely pointless to an outsider, but may hold a lot of meaning for the people in that relationship. So yeah, i take that back.

7:03 am  
Blogger sykora said...

the future is not immovable. just highly rusted. true, much of what you do will have a very small impact on the greater view of things but that does not mean you cannot make a concious change in your future

7:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dai..............yethathu panra neye

7:15 am  
Blogger Rock 'n Roll Aint Noise Pollution said...

daiii shyshe!!

4:07 am  
Blogger L. said...

i see no exaggeration :p

11:06 pm  

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